Manners Monday – Event Guest Etiquette

Manners Monday – Event Guest Etiquette

If you’re somewhere between the ages of 20 and 35, chances are you have a few weddings or showers to attend this summer. This can lead to questions about etiquette, proper attire, and (SUPER IMPORTANTLY) whether or not you get to bring a guest OR your kids with you!  Having gone to quite a few [...]

Manners Monday: Attending Parties, Coffee Dates, & Get-Togethers

Manners Monday: Attending Parties, Coffee Dates, & Get-Togethers

My mom, sister-in-law, and I were talking about etiquette (I don’t even want to tell you how many times I had to type that word and re-type it before google even recognized it haha). Between the three of us, we each realized we had stories about someone (....and by "someone" we mean ourselves) who had [...]