September Playlist

September Playlist

These are the songs we're loving this month. To be honest, there's not a whole lot of anything NEW... it's a lot of oldies but goodies. You know the words... you sing them in your car to your steering wheel audience (....maybe that's just me....). Enjoy! spotify:user:1239284406:playlist:6kiMjbNgyL2dmSeLFUhDvu

June Playlist

June Playlist

Summer is here! Summer is here! Our June playlist is bright, fun, and happy - whether you're sitting on the front porch sipping sweet tea or getting ready to go out for patio drinks. This playlist will get you in the exact right frame of mind. This might sound dramatic, but it's absolutely my favorite [...]

April Playlist

April Playlist

By Steph G. Is it spring where you are? Today I drove back from 80 degree weather in Orlando to sub 40 degree temps in Northwest Indiana....I'm not gonna lie, seeing ice on the ground after a week of wearing flip flops was a reeeeeal bummer. This playlist is helping me stay spring minded, though! [...]